Anything and everything under the sun


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Looking for something, Mate?

I can't help laughing when I read this news on this morning. I am just going to copy and paste the whole story and let you read and judge it for yourself.

KEMAMAN: A burglar entered a house-turned-grocery shop, thinking he was in for a killing. He nearly got himself killed instead.

The owner, who was away to celebrate Hari Raya Haji returned home yesterday morning to find the burglar trapped in the house for 72 hours without food and water.

The intruder was fatigued and dehydrated when the owner and his wife returned to the shop in Kampung Binjai from their hometown in Kota Baru.

The couple, in their early 50s, found the burglar lying in a room, clasping his hands in an apologetic gesture for his wrongdoing.

The owner, instead of calling the police, decided to call an ambulance to rush the burglar to the nearest hospital.

When interrogated later, the 36-year-old burglar told investigating officers that he had sneaked into the house after realising the owner was out.

The burglar, who entered via the back door, claimed that he was blinded once he was inside and felt like he was in a cave.

“Each time I wanted to flee, I felt a ‘supernatural figure’ shoving me to the ground,’’ he told police.

He claimed this was his first time experiencing such trauma during a break-in.

The burglar had no choice but to stay put in the room for three days as his shouts for help were in vain.

Kemaman Deputy police chief Deputy Supt Abdul Marlik Hakim Johar said the couple lodged a police report on the same day.

He said the burglar was warded at the Kemaman Hospital and his condition is stable.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure there is a rational explanation. But in any case, I don't know what Ultraman power the house owner use or what security system they employed, who cares but memang padan muka that guy lah. Getting so fed up with all the perompak, penyamun, snatch thieves and lanun-lanun in Malaysia. I wish there's a giant invisible steam-roller to crush them.

mamasita said...

I have heard many times similar stories where burglars masuk rumah orang and then nak keluar payah.Ada yang kata dia nampak laut etc. Ni pulak kata dia dalam gua.The owners dah baca doa pagar rumah dia agaknya.

They must ajar these ayat2 to as many people as possible.Senang.Biar burglars semua terkencet terkencing and pengsan!Mungkin lepas ni ramai burglars tobat tak buat lagi!Kan?

natrah said... funny.I wish I could 'pagar' my house with that kind of 'thing' too...biar padan muka those ppl...

Julie Lim said...

I was surprised too when I read that story.

Some very strong 'guardians' must be jaga-ing the house.

Padan muka the thief!

`` said...

sounds like he should've been admitted to tanjung rambutan, instead of kemaman hospital.


Anonymous said...

masa I kecik2 dulu my neighbor pernah jumpa pencuri dalam rumah dia tengah berenang atas lantai. ini kes yg sama tp tak serupa. agaknya dia nampak blue lagoon je dlm rumah yg dia pecah masuk tu.just imagine, duk berenang atas lantai spjg malam...heheh..

Anonymous said...

Komen Pak Malim kucing ray yg alim.

Seronok, kan kalau kita dpt tangkap pencuri yg cuba masuk dlm rumah kita, kata Pak Malim sambil naik kereta. Kalau dapat katok dia sekali dua, lagi puas hati, kata Pak Malim sambil naik pedati.

Salt N Turmeric said...

Munira, in cases like this, I pun tak peduli abt the rational explanation. memang padan muka thief tu!

Mamasita, aah kan? Kalau semua orang tahu, mesti takde case pecah rumah lagi kan?

Nat, itulahnya. I hope other thieves takut once they read the story. :)

Julie, hooray for the house owner!

Nic, eh neither lah. Masuk penjara straight lagi bagus.

Yus, iv heard of that story too. berenang jgn tak berenang! haha.

Pak Malim, memang diorang tu patut dikatok, kata farina yg terlentok.

Barbara said...

Hi Farina ,
What ??
Not easy to understand what exactly happened in there...
I bet after 72 hrs like that, he may think twice before breaking & entering again !

ICook4Fun said...

Farina, mungkin tuan rumah tu ada some kind of ilmu kot :) Pandan muka dia tu. Now he need to think twice before rompak rumah orang.

Anonymous said...

ler..not aware of this news...kahkahkah..padan mka pencuri tu..musti rumah tu dijaga baeknye oleh penunggu rumah..haa..he deserved it..x tau la lepas ni insaf ke dak ye..memang lawak la..

Zue Murphy said...

Memang bagus pun cerita ni. Biar takut semua pencuri nak masuk rumah orang. I pun selalu dengar psal nampak laut masa nak keluar.

mamasita said...

Hai Salt n Tumeric..come over and click on some photos I have on the public beaches kat Balok and Cherating.Maybe you boleh bagi some ideas to make them sesak macam the California beaches!hehe thanks!

Brecht said...

Oh my God Farina, i dont know if too laugh or feel pity for the trapped fool! Thank God the owners were kind enough to call for an ambulance! Talk about on the spot karma! ; ) Hope he doesnt go back to burglaring ....

Salt N Turmeric said...

Bar, il try to explain. In our culture, some people would 'put' some kind of supernatural 'thing' to look after their properties. In this case, the robber somehow couldn't find his way out once he was inside the house and felt like he was in a cave. In other cases, they thought that they were in the middle of the ocean and they'd be 'swimming' trying to get to the 'shore and etc. Hope that helps. :)

Een, memang baik punya jaga. Semoga mamat tu insaf lah lepas ni.

Zue, if only lah no more pencuri kan or snatch thieves kan bagus?

Mush, betul tu. Karma bites him back and bites him good! lol.

Dalam Dakapan Ibu said...

Dear Farina,
I read the story.. pun tergelak-gelak macam you...

I guess lepas case ni, ramai yg contact couple tu to ask for the same pendinding...hehehe...

cakapaje said...

Salam Princess,

Hmm...funny as it seem, some houses do have that 'pagar'. In fact, many pious people homes do. Tough luck on the burglar, but serves him right.

Salt N Turmeric said...

Kak Ja, a ah kan? Maybe after the incident diorang bukak new business. Ajar pendinding. ;)

CA, oh yes I am aware of this pagar or pendinding thingy and memang padan muka pencuri tu.

drNO said...

that's freaky...
but have heard this kind of stories from my late grandpa, but...hmm..
still get me freaking out...

Yatie_T said...

My grandma told me this kind of stories once. The burglar was found by the homeowner smoking in their living room because he thought he was at his house already. I thought that was pretty funny and my grandma told me ayat2 quran yg org pakai but I lupa pulak. Hmmm... kena call and ask her again.

Mat Salo said...


Mung tak tahu ke oghe Ganung tera guna 'Virtual Lock'? Abih laa security firms kat US tak keh cari makan. :)

Salt N Turmeric said...

Dr.No, i bet. Kalau mamat tu tak bertaubat lagi tak taulah apa na cakap. lol.

Yatie, serious ke? hahaha. That's so funny. Yes, do ask your grandma apa ayat tu and share2 ok? ;)

MS, virtual lock ya. I wonder if it can be commercialised? lol.

mad redo1 said...

haha! the mechanism for the lock is simpler than you think...

Mama Huptihup said...

Punya lah i gelak baca post u ni..padan la muka pencuri tu..lepas ni sure pencen terus kan...